Friday, November 2, 2012

Catching up with Duncan

Duncan is now four months old, and tips the scales at 18 pounds. For those of you with good memories, that's 2 pounds heavier than Griffin "the beast" at the same age. It seems like Duncan will soon eclipse both his brothers in terms of size, and will likely be chasing after them sooner than I'd like. Here are some shots of the "the dude"during the past couple of months.
Duncan enjoys a bath. You can see here he has a very small umbilical hernia, which has actually gone away now.

Warming up with a cozy monster towel.

Chilling in his bumbo seat, Duncan is about 3 months at this point.

His favorite form of entertainment at 2 months was staring at his left fist. It was very exciting for all of us, and you can see by the way he thrusts it out there, it was an aggressive habit.

Duncan is 4 months old!

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