Monday, March 22, 2010

A Presentation, by Jack Boesen

It was Jack's turn to bring the teaching bag to preschool recently. The teaching bag is a more organized way to do show and tell, and it requires each "friend" to bring three things from a common theme to share. Shockingly, Jack wanted to teach his friends about hockey. This video is a practice run, and a clear illustration of why we thought it might be good to practice. It also has caused many sleepless nights because after the fits of laughter subside, I realize I have absolutely no clue what this kid is telling his teachers and friends at preschool. I can only imagine what will happen when he gets older.

Jack Turns Four

Jack celebrated his acutal birthday at Chuck E. Cheese and had a blast wasting money until he unwrapped more "guys." Baseball and Football Guys, that is. He was so wrapped up in figuring out what came in each set that he missed us singing "Happy Birthday" and even missed the mouse himself.

Jack had a second party at Pump it Up with his friends. After a sweaty play session jumping, he celebrated with hockey cake and a juice box.

The birthday gang.

Jack got to sit in the king's chair to unwrap presents.

Chicago Celebrates Jack's Birthday

Griffin really IS my child. My parents laugh about how I was obsessed with hotel bathrooms when we traveled. Griffin showed his true Phelps colors and hung out in our Chicago hotel bathroom most of the weekend.

Uncle John, Jack and Sofia took in a Chicago Blackhaws game. They played the Washington Capitols, and Jack got to see one of his favorites, Alex Ovechken, play before he got kicked out of the game.

Jack and Bryan check out the Jordan statue outside the United Center in Chicago.

Jack was thrilled that the entire city of Chicago wore green to celebrate his birthday. "Mommy, they even dyed the river green to celebrate me turning 4!"

Our first stop was the Blackhawks store where Jack got to try on goalie masks and pads.

Griffin's Big Day

"See,Griffin, if you pull off this fun paper, there's real toys inside."
"But, Cole, the paper and the box are just so much fun. You mean it gets better?"


Don't touch my cake.

Let me just taste it to make sure it's OK to eat. Just a lick...

Back when we were still cursing that #$%@ groundhog, Griffin celebrated his first birthday. While we already knew he was a sugar woofer, he proved he knew what to do with that chocolate birthday cake. Cousin Cole was also on hand to show his younger cousin how that whole unwrapping thing works.