Saturday, May 22, 2010

And...More Disney

Jack used his 3D glasses in Woody's Shooting Gallery to practice shooting moving targets.

Jack even tried the water slide at our hotel. He was a pool rat for most of the trip, which could have something to do with the fact that it was 90 degrees.

Jack posed in San Francisco while visiting a movie set in Hollywood Studios.

We traveled all the way to Disney World, but Jack's favorite game during our vacation was playing "coffee." I blame Sally for this one...

Disney, Part Deux

At Hollywood Studios, Jack met up with Lighting McQueen (or Lighting, the Queen, according to Jack) and his buddy Mater. The testosterone was flowing.

Do you like my hat?

Jack got to meet Buzz Lightyear at Disney World after riding his inter-galactic ride shooting lazers at the evil emporer Zurg.

We dined in the "ice cave" at T-Rex Cafe. There were meteor showers every 20 minutes and the dinosaurs around us roared through dinner.

The welcoming committee at T-Rex Cafe in Downtown Disney.

Jack's Visit to Disney World

Seasoned traveler that he is, Jack helped us check in at the airport and then settled in with his ESPN Kids magazine on the flight. He spent a good hour memorizing and questioning the airplane safety sheet.

Jack was thrilled to see the big castle in person, finally. But he was disappointed when we approached and he realized that it was "closed." For the rest of our visit he kept asking when Disney would be open. Poor guy thought the castle was Disney and the surrounding park was just a fun coincident. He reported back to Bryan at the hotel that the rides were fun but "Disney was closed." Flashbacks to "National Lampoon's Vacation" anyone?

Jack's first ride of choice was Aladdin's magic carpet ride. He was looking for the genie but was no where to be found. We did locate a spitting camel, though.

After a LLLOOOOONNNG (but air conditioned) wait, we met Mickey and Minnie. Does anyone else notice that I am apparently a giant in Disney World? It's like I'm Willie Wonka and the rest of these yahoos are the oompa-loompas. I was impressed that Minnie stood her ground and kept her yellow heels on despite Mickey's "Tom Cruise" stature. You go, girl!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dance Revolution

Jack, Griffin and I braved the Incredible Pizza Company and had a good time. Griffin was very sad that he couldn't ride the go-carts with Jack and me, so my friend Lesley helped Griffin find something else to do. Check out her blog to catch the video. It was fun to see Lesley and Lant and for our kids to meet. Jack and Max acted like they've known each other their "whole" lives, and Griffin loved Holyn. Here's hoping the Dorans move back to Des Moines!

Let's Dig!

We visited the site of our new house before the trees were cleared.

"I think I'd like my bedroom to be right here..."

Most of the trees behind the boys had to go to make room for a living room, kitchen and garage. But the new lot is very wooded and Jack was very excited to learn there was a river in the back yard. (Really, it's more like a 2 inch ravine that sometimes has water, but he's convinced pirates will come visit him.)

Story Time

I still have no idea how Griffin got in his chair, but I found them one morning having book time together. Jack was telling a story and Griffin was laughing and laughing. As soon as I discovered them, though, they acted like they hated each other again.


Griffin and Annabelle tried to hunt for eggs but Jack was too fast!

Jack used an improvised basket to collect the eggs he found on his way downstairs.

Riley and Ben Boesen put together a hunt for the kiddos. Since Jack and Griffin were the only ones who could walk (sorry, Annabelle), the boys cleaned up. Actually, Jack was the sole winner, but Griffin enjoyed running around the yard.

The Easter bunny brought Griffin a new pillow made out of his magic blankie material. It was a huge hit and now gets shuttled back and forth between day care and home.

Griffin realized that not only did his Easter eggs look like basketballs (a current obsession), but they also had goldfish inside!

The boys paid a visit to the big, scary Easter Bunny. You can tell by the death grip Griffin has on his thumb he's not quite sure what to think. Perhaps he's just scared of the giant carrots -- not an "approved" food.