Thursday, April 30, 2009

I-Cubs Season Opener

Jack and Griffin enjoyed an early game on a particularly hot April day. I'm sure there are pictures of Jack somewhere, but he was busy playing catch with Cubbie most of the time, so we'll post those later.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Griffin hit his 12 week growth spurt this week and was apparently looking for a snack. Either that, or he's just really, really affectionate.

Jack Joins the Big Leagues

Boston Bruins uniform for teddy bear: $35.
Character undies to inspire: $25
Bags of M&Ms to use as (fruitless) reward: 155
Hours spent trying to convince Jack to potty in the toilet: 1,355,674

Ride on the orange truck at Toy's R Us and a pack of hockey gum to finally convince Jack to use the toilet...priceless (or about $4 -- $3.50 for the gum and .50 for the truck ride).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Storytime Song

Each day at school Jack's class sings this song before they read a story. Jack has started singing it each night at bed time. We proudly present the evening concert series starring Jack Boesen.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Phelps Boys

OK, really only one of these dudes looks like a Phelps, but we love them all anyway. Cousin Cole Ferrell (left) came over to play one night and Aunt Jenny and I had a forced photo shoot (sound like anyone, Sally?). Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Lock up your Daughters, Okoboji!

Griffin Smiles

Add smiling to his list of accomplishments. It's a beautiful thing that makes the eating, sleeping, and pooping all seem more interesting. He's got a great coo that comes along with that grin that just melts my heart. Griff's got Boesen dimples (will I EVER have a kid that looks like me) but they haven't popped out just yet.

Boesen Birthdaypalooza -- the end, finally!

Bryan surprised me on my 30th birthday with a great party. Tricked into thinking I was headed to a quiet dinner with my family, we went to visit a friend before dinner, and lo and behold, his downtown loft was stacked with friends and more. Boesen Birthdaypalooza is finally over and the cake hangover is just starting to die down. It was a fun night filled with good friends, great food (those bacon twisty things were amazing!) and lots of great wine, courtesy of our host Jamie Constantine. March 2009 was the year of the 3s for us: Bryan turned 33, Jack turned 3 and I turned 30. And better yet, we all survived

Jack's Dream Team -- the Starting Lineup

Though it may look like an ordinary couch, this is really the bench at a Minnesota Wild hockey game, and the three bruisers seated here are Jack's hockey dream team: Bruin Bear, Griffin, and Avalanche. Cubbie bear is there for moral support since it's "almost baseball season but the Stanley Cup isn't over yet" according to Jack.

Jack received a hockey rink mat from uncle John for his birthday and loves to play on it. Here, Bryan and Griffin have been placed in their respective penalty boxes for fighting.