Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bedtime Stories

I tucked a very tired and very cranky Jack into bed last night after a long, napless day. We had checked out a stack of library books over the weekend and I reached for the worn copy of "Clifford" on top of the stack. "No, Mommy, I want to read the magazine," said Jack. "The magazine," in case you're wondering, is the latest issue of ESPN magazine featuring Montreal Canadiens goalie Casey Price on the cover. So I flipped through and found the cover story about Price and his team and started reading. Not only can my little hockey Rain Man identify jerseys for teams I've never heard of (Buffalo Sabers and the Flames?), he also informed me that Sydney Crosby plays with a green hockey stick. I guess "Clifford Goes to the Circus" will have to wait for another day.