Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Interpretation of Literature

Most colleges require incoming freshman to take "Interp of Lit." Here, Jack uses his stellar literary skills to interpret the symbolism behind one of his favorite authors, Eric Carle. Generally I love Mr. Carle's books, but seriously, what do a boat, cars, an apple tree, cows, a snowman and a man sleeping have to do with each other?

Griffin's Baptism

Griffin was baptised on Mother's Day, and we were grateful to the folks who joined us to celebrate this important day. No comments about my "shorty robe," please.

Storytime, Continued

Jack's easy enough to understand here as he reads a story to Griffin. What you may not quite understand is what Griffin is saying. Using our top-secret infant decoder rings, we're able to decipher Griffin's thoughts even though they sound like unintelligible grunts.

"Mother, must you pop my collar on each outfit I wear? Seriously, the points of this little costume are practically poking my eye out. How do you expect me to concentrate on Jack's riviting story with this kind of distraction? Wait...Jack, do you even realize that there are no words on that paper? Oh great, this kid is just making something up on the fly. And I thought maybe I'd get some quality entertainment."


"Feed me, Seymore!"

"The Donger need food!"

"These fingers would taste better with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."

If you have headline suggestions for this photo, include them in the comments section of this blog. Your reward, should you win, will be to take one of Griffin's middle-of-the-night feedings during his next growth spurt.