Monday, April 21, 2008

Over His Dead (Asleep) Body

Tonight we picked out new shoes (just like Daddy's). Jack ran around the store saying, "I can run and run in my new Nikes" and "I want to go run the bases with red Nikes." (Nike marketing folks: are you paying attention?) He insisted he wear the new shoes out of the store (something his mommy NEVER got to do!) and then refused to remove his shoes once it was time to go to bed. As shown here, those must be some comfortable shoes! And yes, I did remove his shoes once he was in a dead sleep. I'm sure he'll be peeved in the morning.

First Date

Jack and Tatum Cox had a dinner date last week (chaperoned by Tatum's older siblings Kennedy and Logan). He must have done some smooth talking, because the night ended with the two lovebirds in the bathtub together.

Date Night with Horton

One brave Sunday we took Jack to see "Horton Hears a Who" at the movie theater. He loved the big screen and the loud noises, but really loved the projector window. Price of movie tickets: $25
Cost of popcorn: $5.50
Time spent watching movie: 41 minutes
Experience of walking out of Horton Hears a Who before Horton actually heard the Who: Priceless