Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Day at Greenwood Park

There's a great pond by our house (where the Roosevelt hockey team practices) and Jack and Bryan enjoyed many Saturdays on the ice. We finally convinced Griffin to put on some skates, and while he didn't have the immediate love for the ice that Jack did, he held his own.

Jack shows Griffin how it's done, with some help from Daddy of course. 

Griffin stands on his own!

"Hey, this ice is cold! Even with my double set of mittins."

The bench. 

"I can do it!"

"But I'm ready to go to the house and have hot chocolate with marshmallows."

A Successful Hockey Season

Jack missed the final hockey practice due to strep and a fever, but he still got to grab his trophy and tell his coach to watch for him next year. Thanks, Coach Scott, for a great first season!

Jack worked very hard and got quite good at all the drills and stick work they did each week. 

Yes, there is a smile underneath all that equipment. I'm happy to say it was usually there, too. 

"And now, skating for the navy team, number 16...Jack Boesen" (crowd screams!)

Toward the end, they even got to play a few three-on-three games. Jack enjoyed the action.

But the best thing about the end of the season was Jack got to be "in goal." Trust me, once he was allowed to be in goal, he didn't want to leave. Do any of you KNOW how expensive goalie equipment is? I'm hoping he stays out of that goal.

Jack Is 5!

On St. Patrick's Day, Jack turned 5. We celebrated at a local arcade/sports bar and he FINALLY got to play Super Chexx. He was happy to open a "slide hockey" game when we got home, which is a smaller version. When he opened new Nike clothes, he said, "boring." 

For his friends, Jack chose to go back to Pump it Up, where he gets to be king and sit in a throne. The crown here actually serves two purposes: 1. it lets everyone know whose day is is, and 2. it hides the beads of sweat on his head from jumping for two hours.

Jack had a nice group of kids from day care and St. Augustin preschool join him for the jumpfest.

A Night Out

We enjoyed a night out for a good cause for the BRAVO Des Moines Gala. Sally and Bill were in town to enjoy the festivities, and Sally even brought some fun coats (modeled here, but definately not done justice...) a friend of hers let her borrow. Thanks, Barb and Rick, for the LOVELY furs. Thank goodness PETA was not out on that snowy evening, as I got to wear the Bob Makie (yes, Cher's Bob Mackie) one to the event. It was black with green and black trim. The coats went back to "the tundra" with Sally, but if they ever need a good home, I'd be a very willing caretaker!

Griffin turns 2!

Griffin celebrated his 2nd birthday in February, with a Snoopy brunch. Yes, even two-year-olds like brunch. He's into Lightening McQueen right now and was proud to find Jack's old Snoopy hockey shirt.

Griffin was surprised to blow out the candles on his Snoopy cake and also to unwrap a big, fluffy Snoopy of his own.

Sally and Papa gave Griffin his very own grocery cart, complete with washed garbage! No kidding -- Sally saved "real" food for Griffin's cart and washed it out. No plastic knock-offs for her grandson! Actually, it was quite cute, and I just saw him trying to shake out a waffle from the Eggo box this morning. Sorry, buddy, those were just pretend.