Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Successful Hockey Season

Jack missed the final hockey practice due to strep and a fever, but he still got to grab his trophy and tell his coach to watch for him next year. Thanks, Coach Scott, for a great first season!

Jack worked very hard and got quite good at all the drills and stick work they did each week. 

Yes, there is a smile underneath all that equipment. I'm happy to say it was usually there, too. 

"And now, skating for the navy team, number 16...Jack Boesen" (crowd screams!)

Toward the end, they even got to play a few three-on-three games. Jack enjoyed the action.

But the best thing about the end of the season was Jack got to be "in goal." Trust me, once he was allowed to be in goal, he didn't want to leave. Do any of you KNOW how expensive goalie equipment is? I'm hoping he stays out of that goal.

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