Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jack's Visit to Disney World

Seasoned traveler that he is, Jack helped us check in at the airport and then settled in with his ESPN Kids magazine on the flight. He spent a good hour memorizing and questioning the airplane safety sheet.

Jack was thrilled to see the big castle in person, finally. But he was disappointed when we approached and he realized that it was "closed." For the rest of our visit he kept asking when Disney would be open. Poor guy thought the castle was Disney and the surrounding park was just a fun coincident. He reported back to Bryan at the hotel that the rides were fun but "Disney was closed." Flashbacks to "National Lampoon's Vacation" anyone?

Jack's first ride of choice was Aladdin's magic carpet ride. He was looking for the genie but was no where to be found. We did locate a spitting camel, though.

After a LLLOOOOONNNG (but air conditioned) wait, we met Mickey and Minnie. Does anyone else notice that I am apparently a giant in Disney World? It's like I'm Willie Wonka and the rest of these yahoos are the oompa-loompas. I was impressed that Minnie stood her ground and kept her yellow heels on despite Mickey's "Tom Cruise" stature. You go, girl!

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