Saturday, May 1, 2010


Griffin and Annabelle tried to hunt for eggs but Jack was too fast!

Jack used an improvised basket to collect the eggs he found on his way downstairs.

Riley and Ben Boesen put together a hunt for the kiddos. Since Jack and Griffin were the only ones who could walk (sorry, Annabelle), the boys cleaned up. Actually, Jack was the sole winner, but Griffin enjoyed running around the yard.

The Easter bunny brought Griffin a new pillow made out of his magic blankie material. It was a huge hit and now gets shuttled back and forth between day care and home.

Griffin realized that not only did his Easter eggs look like basketballs (a current obsession), but they also had goldfish inside!

The boys paid a visit to the big, scary Easter Bunny. You can tell by the death grip Griffin has on his thumb he's not quite sure what to think. Perhaps he's just scared of the giant carrots -- not an "approved" food.

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