Friday, November 2, 2012

Aunt Katelyn's wedding

Over Labor Day weekend, Katelyn Boesen and Nick Essy got married. Jack and Griffin were ring bearers (or bears, as Jack said) and Bryan was a groomsman. It was a lovely weekend and a gorgeous ceremony and reception. Congratulations, Nick and Katelyn!
Dapper boys ready for Aunt Katelyn's wedding.

"May the force be with you!" Actually, these are the lighter stick thingys (yes, that's the technical term) to help land an airplane. The bride and groom arrived at the reception on a plane.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah! They look handsome! I am also looking for a suit like this for my little boy, he just turned 2. My sister is getting married in an event venue which is far from my place. It is also going to be a little vacation for all of us. I have to buy a lot of things for the wedding. It was great coming across this post though.