Monday, December 10, 2012

Some Christmas Humor

Duncan proves there's more than one jolly, fat man in a red suit around this year.
Christmas is always a fun time of year, but this year I've enjoyed Jack's and Griffin's interpretation of the season. Here are a few conversations that have happened so far.
  • While reading "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," Griffin asked good questions about the main character asking, "Why does that cow have a big red ball on his nose." I knew then we had a lot of work to do. Later, he was "reading" the same book to himself and this was his interpretation after looking at a sad illustration of Rudolph, who couldn't play reindeer games. "Then the reindeer was sad, so he sat down like a woman."
  • The boys were excited to see their toy manger come up from the basement with the other decorations and instantly got started setting it up. Soon, the manger became the scene of a big football game. "I call the three wise men," yelled Jack. "I call the angel," said Griffin. "I call Mrs. Christ," said Jack. "Mrs. Christ," I asked? "Don't you mean Mary?" "No, Mom. Jesus' last name is Christ. You know, like Jesus Christ? So his mom is Mary Christ, but I call her Mrs. Christ to be polite," said Jack. Either way, she helped win the game.
  • On Thanksgiving, Santa himself delivered our beloved Elf on the Shelf, named Fred (or Cheryl). Jack was a bit intimidated, but not Griffin. He marched right up to Santa and asked, "Did you watch Friday night Football last week?"

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