Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Spring sports round-up

Wait! It's May, and that's the wrong kid playing hockey...or is it? Griffin laced up his skates this spring for a beginners "Learn to skate" class. 

He fared pretty well on the ice (center, Blackhawks jersey).

Pretty soon, he was off on his own, and even learned how to stand up without any help. Next up: the Stanley Cup!

Sundays were busy for Griffin this May. In addition to skating lessons, he also got to be in flag football for the first time.

He loved getting to run with the ball.

He ran to the side lines after every single play for a drink.

"I almost had that four-year-old's flags. Next time..." 

Jack also played spring flag football.

His favorite part was running with the ball. "Mom, that's called being the running back." 

At Jack's age group, they started learning passing plays. Here, Jack jumped up to catch an interception.

Jack also had fun learning how to block on defense.

Jack also played T-ball this spring with the Royals, or the Kansas City Aquas as Bryan and I referred to them based on their stunning shirt color. 

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