Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spring Break in Arizona

Bryan had a meeting in Arizona in late March, so the boys and I tagged along and escaped the last blast of icy winter in Des Moines.

While in Arizona, we got to see one of the last Cubs spring training games against the Colorado Rockies. As a strange coincident, while at the Cubs/Rockies game, I received a call from Jack's T-ball coach letting me know he'd be on the Rockies this spring, so even though the Cubs lost, Jack was happy "his team" won.

We sat on the lawn, which allowed both boys to stand right at the outfield fence to catch the action.

Daddy was in meetings so Jack, Griffin and I took advantage of nearly 100-degree temperatures and swam in our hotel's five pools. Considering it was snowing in Des Moines while we were gone, the sun felt great!

Sponge Bob Square Pants and Dora the Explorer were also staying at our same hotel!

We beat the heat one morning with a round of mini-golf and at the same park was a large golf-ball shaped dome with bungees and trampolines inside. Well, the boys couldn't wait. They were hitched up and allowed to jump almost 20 feet high (with some help) for a few minutes. Griffin was brave in theory, but didn't like to be hooked up to all those cables.

Jack had a blast.

Afterward, the two discussed their experiences.

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