Monday, October 4, 2010

Back to School

Jack started preschool at a new school this year. Here he is on the first day...complete with iPhone (used as bribery to get him to smile).

Just Playing Around

Recently, I got a new camera and have been playing with it...forcing my mommy friends to let me use their darling babies as test subjects. Here baby ElenaThompson seems to be saying, "here, taste this, Griffin." She's quite lucky he didn't show off his strong teeth and take a bite out of her newborn hands.

Marshmallow Roast

We had a great time roasting marshmallows with Amber and Pat, and their two boys Nicholas and Charlie. As you can see, the four boys were hard to contain, and had a great time running in the yard and getting sticky with massive marshmallows.

Jack devoured a s'more faster than we thought he could.
Pat helped Nicholas roast his marshmallow...a safe distance from the fire pit.

Jack gets his marshmallow ready.

Griffin and Nicholas had a nice chat by the fire pit after dinner. They're about 4 months apart in age.


Griffin dug in to his first piece of Iowa corn on the cob. Perfect for teething toddlers, he preferred his with lots of butter and no salt. As you can see from the second photo, he didn't move on to the next row until EVERY SINGLE kernel was eaten.

Hut, Hut, Hike!

There are no lights at Kinnick Stadium, but that didn't deter Ricky Stanzi from warming up for the 2010 football season. Not easily intimidated, Ricky spends most evenings preparing for the Wisconsin game.

Saint Sally

Sally was sainted a while back, but the nickname lives on for good reason.
Recently, we planned a trip to Chicago and asked Saint Sally to come stay with Jack and Griffin. She happily agreed. After Bryan and I left for Chicago, she called to say my car was dead...yet again. After transferring bags, carseat and kiddos to her car, she smelled a terrible smell. Griffin needed to be fumagated after an explosive diaper. This procedure caused her to be a tad late to drop Jack off at preschool.
When she did arrive at school, she buzzed the office and waited for directions to the room. Then, Jack vomited all over the office of his school (and himself in the process).
Long live Saint Sally!